Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Jay Dobyns Is A Criminal - or - Why The ATF Will Not Back One Of Their Own

Study this face.  Learn it.  A lowlife is nothing more than a lowlife, but a bad cop is the worst of all.  And I, especially, hate bad cops.  More about that in a later post.  Above is a lowlife, and below is a bad cop.  Or vice-versa.  Please meet Mr. Jay Dobyns.  Also known as JayBird the Babe ("In the biker world, I was a catch," he writes.)   Self-professed hero, widely-known f**k up (forgive me Daddy for resorting to weak language when surely there are words I could better use - but this one time I really doubt it). 

Perhaps it would be best to allow the internet itself to explain his worthlessness.  This is a troubled man and I am sorrowful for his family that he has time and again put in danger.  Read on...

Bits and pieces from Wikipedia (which I have no doubt that JayBird authored himself, for there is far more information out there on this guy than the hero-worshipping prose found on the page at Wikipedia...)
Jay Anthony Dobyns (born 1961), alias Jaybird, is a United States Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) undercover agent who infiltrated the Hells Angels motorcycle club from 2001 to 2003. He was offered membership into the gang after faking the murder of a rival Mongols Motorcycle Club member and providing 'evidence' of the staged murder to Hells Angels leaders.

Dobyns became an ATF Agent in 1987. After only four days on duty he was taken hostage and shot through the chest.  (No shit!, say it ain't so!!!  Love it.)

Dobyns spent the majority of his ATF career working in varied undercover assignments within the U.S. developing undercover expertise in violent crime investigation, narcotics, firearms, gang infiltrations, home invasion robbery cases, and murder-for-hire investigations.

And so on and so on.  But then...a ripple on the world wide web that perhaps suggests there is more to the man than what he would have you believe.

From a site I have come to grow quite fond of (and greatly admire for it's literary thought and style)...
The Aging Rebel: No Angel
The new and improved America has no shame. Shame, to paraphrase a T.S. Eliot character, is now nothing but an obsolete response.

And, although this is still only February, the obvious winner of the Shameless Jackass of the Year Award for 2009 can already be named. We need look no further. Jay Dobyns is clearly a more shameless, self-dramatizing barrel of hogwash than either Bernie Madoff or the OctoMom.

And there is oh, so much more...

Dobyns Won’t Shut Up

No Angel: My Harrowing Undercover Journey To The Inner Circle Of The Hells Angels, published last week by Crown Books, is the fourth retelling of Jay Dobyns’ role in the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ (ATF) “Operation Black Biscuit.” The idea of Black Biscuit was to catch various members of the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club breaking the law.

And, naïve people, who mostly know the world from tasting and sniffing various flavors of Tha Newz, probably think that catching the Angels breaking the law is sort of like catching ducks in the act of quacking. But, Black Biscuit proved that not to be so.

So, people with their minds still stuck in the old, unimproved America might think that Dobyns’ many interesting adventures merit, like at the most…what… maybe just one book?

But, fact! Former ATF Agent Dobyns just won’t shut up! At least not until he gets his million dollars, or his ten million dollars, or whatever the going rate is for being a celebrity hero these days.

The above beloved Rebel is not going to give old Jay a break.  Go to the link to read the whole story, then browse the site for more sightings of the Bird scattered here and there.

And most certainly, the web provides much, much more...

Concerning a more recent incident, from
ATF Agent Jay Dobyns Says Feds "Abandoned" Him in Tucson House Fire Investigation
An undercover agent who infiltrated the Arizona Hells Angels basically called his federal superiors cowards this morning on NPR for not doing more to find out who burned down his Phoenix home last year.

Jay Dobyns, a University of Arizona grad who has been promoting his recently released book about his experiences, told Diane Rehm that while the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives bills itself as the agency that deals with extreme violence, its agents have no interest in protecting their own. Still worried about the very real possibility that gangbangers will kill him or his family, Dobyns is also suing the federal government for $4 million.

The 23-year veteran agent was under federal protection, moving from place to place to avoid become a hitman's victim, when he tried to settle in a home in northwest Tucson. Last August, someone set fire to the back patio. The home burned to the ground, he told Rehm. (An Arizona Republic article from last year says the blaze consumed the rear of the home and caused $30,000 in damage). Dobyns, his wife and children got out safely.

The ATF dropped the ball on the fire investigation, Dobyns says, allowing someone to get away with trying to hurt him.

But then, just when it is already interesting enough...yet another twist in the arson event...

Once again from our beloved Rebel:
The Aging Rebel: Today in Jay Dobyns' World
Dobyns sued the ATF in 2006 and settled in September, 2007. But, then the ATF was late on its payments and subjected Dobyns to “internal affairs investigations … on over eleven different occasions.” So three months ago Dobyns sued the ATF again.

There was also a fire on Dobyns’ back porch last year that caused either $30,000 or $300,000 in damage to his home. Dobyns blames the fire on a Hells Angels assassin. Some law enforcement officials have accused Dobyns of setting the fire himself.

Dobyns, in turn, has countered by accusing the ATF of trying to kill him, by willfully and intentionally failing “to assess, react to, investigate and/or protect Dobyns and (his) family from credible threats of death and violence.”

I happen to have personal knowledge of some underhanded and quite illegal maneuvers Mr. Dobyns pulled while working undercover on the Sons of Silence investigation.  I have been assured by the very brother that Dobyns tried to set up that the federal court judge was on to old Jay, and proceeded accordingly with the trial at hand.

If you want to be a cop, then be a cop.  If you want to be a criminal, then be a criminal.  But be who you are.  Cops who are in reality criminals are the bottom of the barrel - they are lower than the scum I wipe off the bottom of my boot.

Blah, blah, blah.

Therefore, I shall...

Rock on.


  1. I found this and had to comment, i had the unfortunate pleasure of meeting this douche as he forcefully enter my house, without cause or concern of who was in there; we were all minors... He actually did it twice! I wish he was locked up, he is a horrid person and a crooked cop... he deserves all of the crap he gets thrown at him.

  2. I was given a copy of his book ("No Angel") by a friend as I boarded a plane (I'm a motorcyclist, the *thought* was there) and I read the whole thing in one go.

    The book is bizarre. On it's face, it's simply a fairly obviously puffed up piece of Police Procedural creative non-fiction...but when you boil it down, it's a book about a truly sub-par team of Law Enforcement officers accomplishing almost nothing.

    Seriously. I don't even mean the fact that the entire case fell apart at the end and nobody did any meaningful time, or that the Hells Angels MC was completely unaffected by their op (though both of those are true)

    What I mean is that they spent a whole lot of time, money, resources and effort to--as described in the book--trick a few low-rent bikers into selling them less unregistered firepower than could be purchased at any pawn shop in the nation on a Friday night.

    The message the book delivers (and I'm sure it's not intended) is: Shit, just leave them alone until they get into something serious.

  3. This guy is a true piece of sh*t i have run into him several times in san carlos mexico, he tends to hide out down there in the summer months. usually stays on the catch 22 beach and has a house in the Costa del mar subdevision, if any one feels te need to "look him up"

  4. Jay is a hero people.He is both an inspiration and is a hope for the hunted.You have no idea what its like to be threatened and not protected.He just scored one for the good guys.Thank you for all your help Jay.God bless you and your family.Have no doubt,your recent vindication helps a great many of us...Thank You!
