Monday, November 16, 2009

Fort Hood Shootings - or - Henry Rollins Did NOT Go On A Homicidal Rampage

Henry Rollins has again angered those that "already have their own truth" by calling attention to the pundits' premature verdict of terrorism in the Fort Hood shootings.  He has inspired a heated argument by writing his latest contribution to his Straight Talk Espresso column in Vanity article he wrote in his "spare time" while roaming the streets of Sri Lanka and selflessly spreading goodwill - on his own dime - for this powerhouse is truly living 25-hour days and 8-day weeks.

The full article and heated comments can be found at ...
The Boys Who Cried "Fort Hood Terrorist"

Dammit, Henry!  I can't get this face out of my mind every time I read the irrational spewing you inspire when you send out the call for honesty, fairness, and plain old righteousness. 

What could you have been thinking by calling out for a thorough investigation before determining Nidal Hasan's homicidal motives? You have once again set yourself up to be crucified by those who have already decided you are wrong just because your name is Henry Rollins.

Further anger has been instigated by Rollins' suggestion that this premature verdict is being slung by no less than an elected official - Senator Joe Lieberman.  Apparently, some Americans feel that other Americans are not so American after all if they do not blindly follow elected Americans' unsubstantiated opinions and/or suggestions...

To round third base and head for the home run, Mr. Rollins has suggested that along with any Muslim, terrorist, or personal unknown motive, perhaps a psychological aspect should be considered as well.  He argues for a rigorous and legitimate investigation, and cries foul for a premature terrorism verdict to be suggested to a gullible public who too often believe their elected officials would utter nothing less than absolute fact.

The subsequent public commentary seemingly subjects any contributors not jumping on the terrorist bandwagon to a barrage of ridicule and hatred.  Happily, the majority of contributors were open-minded and willing to wait for the critical investigation... refreshing it is to read the truth... one here is saying it was NOT terrorism ... a verdict derived from investigation is the fair and right thing to do...

...they're going to underestimate the publics ability to see them using tragedy to shill their agenda...

...There's way too much that isn't know to be jumping to any conclusions ... I don't know what to think when I see people swallowing this crap so eagerly...

...the military will perform an investigation, along with the FBI and they will have to do so while questionable politicians will interfere and make the job even more difficult...

...We ask only for truth by investigation, and in no way defend murder...

Partial quotes from "those that already have their own truth":

...take your head out of your arse for a second... are allowing him the right to plead insanity at his trial... typical of you and the left henry.Don't blame the killer ... With people like you and Obama "Supporting" the troops our soliders don't need enemies ... go screw yourself!

To suggest that wanting an unbiased and truthful investigation makes an American an enemy to our own soldiers is shameful.  Henry Rollins did not go on a homicidal rampage, Henry Rollins cried out for truth in the tragedy that happened upon our own soil.  Surely every American is most grateful for the freedom our soldiers are fighting for, and every American grieves for the lives lost and the devastated families that are left to carry on. 

Whether a psychiatric element had anything to do with Hasan's rampage or not, the fact still remains (as pointed out in Rollins' piece) that there have been at least seventy-five soldier suicides at Fort Hood alone since the Afghanistan War began in 2001.  How can there not be a question of how many of these lives could have been aided by accessible and adequate psychiatric care?  Additionally, how can a rigorous investigation into the recent massacre not include a detailed psychiatric examination along with any sort of personal/Muslim/terrorist examination?

Americans have a right and a responsibility to ask questions and expect a true assessment in every one of these Fort Hood incidents, and should be acutely concerned for each and every soldier on our other military bases here and across the world.

How tragic for us all that to speak out for fairness and righteousness one must be prepared to be ridiculed, hated, and considered an enemy.

Thank goodness for Henry Rollins and every other truth-seeker.  Better to be HATED than a HATER.

No blah, blah, blah here.

Therefore, I shall...

Rock on.

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