Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sons Of Anarchy - or - I Can't Wait To See How Hollywood Has Imagined Themselves To Know The 1% Lifestyle

Sons of Anarchy...  Last year, the public heard about this new fictional (but based upon an actual 1% Club/s) program for months before the first show ever aired.  For myself, I am more a kind of Discovery/History/Biography Channel kind of girl.  But I was forever running across internet forums discussing this program and was personally being asked by more "independent bikers" my opinion of what I felt about the possibilities this fictional program may have to offer.

Well... NOT MUCH.  I am loathe to most any biker video media just because Hollywood has always had their own way of presenting real bikers, especially the 1%ers.  Hollywood has their own idea of what it's all about, and then there is the truth.  And to hell with them, because it is no one's business and they could just never understand.  I could not imagine a Club inviting any sort of Hollywood producer into the deep inner sanctums of a clubhouse.  Truly, things can happen in this lifestyle that the public would just never believe anyway. 

I knew of... a few local 1%ers who would be watching just for the sake of evaluating how wrong and impossibly screwed up Sons of Anarchy would surely be.  The first season was well into it's second or third episode before I finally sat down to have a look for myself.

Hm, well damn.  They are talking about church?!?  And they sort of have a good idea of the whole heirarchy thing.  There was even an actress playing an intelligent and strong character, and she was playing it well.  Not every chick in this program was a hoe.  What kind of show is this?

Of course I could find plenty to scowl at.  Those circles and rockers were a little too clean to have been worn by some of the decades-long members.  Throwing leathers down in the dirt once or twice to dirty them up does not cut it. 

The bikes were a little too new to be ridden by some of the older members whose bikes would have aged through the years along side their owners.  Where are some of the old choppers and rat bikes?  And I have never seen so many windshields in one place in my life - other than at the toy runs that the myriad of RUBs like to attend on warm weekend days, or a modern-day Harley showroom.  Shame on the props department for not having conducted better thought out research.

And... I was incredulous to watch a downright shootout involving an amazing amount of rounds fired - with barely a victim among either side.  I have lost souls who have died by only a shot or a few, and died by automatic weapons shootoutw that have taken out nearly every living soul who were on the receiving end.  Where the hell do these numerous shootouts happen that not a solitary citizen hears a ruckus in the distance and calls law enforcement to report it.  Cops do have a way of counting and then marking each and every bit of shots fired at a crime scene - they would need a larger force and an extra roll or two of labels to work some of those crime scenes.

And by the way, we don't talk to cops.  We don't wilfully visit them in their offices.  NOBODY rides on the back of a bike if it belongs to an old lady.  Plenty will try, but it's a deal breaker if he goes for it.  NO brother procreates with his brother's old lady.  It's not done.

So.  I find myself into Season Two, with all of Season One recorded on my DVR and only a button away.  I can't help myself - it has become one of the few times I will make a conscious effort to be at my television at a certain time on a certain day.  For a fictional show, I suppose I would have to say that this solitary biker drama is perhaps not so bad, and even entertaining. 


Speaking of Season Two...  New characters have been added this season, with some of them portraying members of a white separatist organization.  The first episode of this latest season is most disturbing, airing a very realistic rape by some especially unlikable characters.  As a woman, I found that I internalized my hatred for one masked perpetrator in particular. 


Blah, blah, blah. 

Therefore, I shall...

Rock on.

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