Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Why Is Bin Laden Still Alive - or - Deceit In D.C.

I have a friend who drives freight across the U.S.  He avoids the usual trucker lifestyle and can be found at truck stops only when fueling.  His is a lonely life, but he has a few buddies also driving freight, and they will meet for a meal when possible.  These meals provide an opportunity to share stories about their lives away from the road.

One day, my friend gets a call from his closest road buddy - we will call this buddy John.  John had been rather quiet the last few weeks, hesitant to discuss something that was bothering him.  One evening John called my friend, told him he was going to shut the truck down for the night because he could no longer concentrate, and asked my friend to meet him for dinner.

At dinner, John had something on his mind, but he took a while getting around to his story.  He spoke in low tones, careful not to be overheard, as he began to relate his last few weeks of stress to my friend....

John had a son serving in the war as a pilot stationed in Afghanistan.  John and his wife had received word that their son had been shot down in flight and the military had not been able to locate their son.  For weeks they waited for updates, with no further word coming from the U.S. government...

Finally, communication.  Not from the government, but from their son.  He explained that he had been shot down while flying a mission in Afghanistan.  He wandered for weeks through the mountains, until he eventually found his way to a U.S. camp and wandered in.  He was immediately isolated and debriefed...

While flying his mission, he had wandered into a no-fly zone.  He was shot down - by American troops.  Apparently, he had come too close to Bin Laden's actual location.  This was last year, during Bush's final months as President.  He told his parents that Bin Laden's location was known, but "they" did not want any attack on Bin Laden during Bush's term as president. 

Truth?  I have not seen my friend for a while, and so have not had the opportunity to ask the million questions that the story has left me with.  Fabricated?  Doubtful - over the years I have come to know John as a humble and reliable guy, he is a man of his word.

Regardless, I cannot help but wonder why a powerful and technologically advanced county like the U.S. is unable to locate Bin Laden - in fact I find it unlikely.  Intellectually I cannot help feeling that Americans and the rest of the world are being duped by a select cast of characters with dubious intentions.  One day this episode in U.S. history will be infamous for it's diabolical goings-on and the sordid persons who took part.

I think, too, that we are right where Bin Laden/al-Qaeda wants us ... in Afghanistan.  The Soviet Union and British military were defeated there.  In reality we are not hunting just one man, for his role is leadership for al-Qaeda and terrorism will not discontinue upon this lone man's death.

The American public has put their trust in it's government to deal with the terrorism subject.  We are losing our men and women while officials blame each other and meanwhile send more and more troops.  The U.S. in-fighting has compounded the basic premise to the point of incomprehensible blur. 

At what point will the American public cease placing their hope in elected persons and instead raise their collective voices and force our government's hand in re-assessing our priorities in our efforts to insure safety from terrorism? 

Blah, blah blah.

Therefore, I shall...

Rock on.

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